Torchwood Miracle Day

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So as I posted yesterday I thought last night’s finale was great. However before I write my thoughts about the episode I would like to talk about two things that have been bugging me. I have read quite a few reviews of people moaning that this series has lagged and Torchwood should go back to their weekly story line format. I completely disagree with this. I think that yes as the start it was a slow build up but I think that is mainly due to the fact they introduced a load of new characters so obviously they needed development and by the end of it I’m sure I am not the only one who is a massive fan of Rex and Esther. Other reviews went as far as to say the whole thing was dreadful which I don’t understand I thought it was thrilling, and many blamed the shows failures on there being too much about jack, which is like saying that Doctor Who is too much about the doctor it’s just not a fair comment on the show. Yes I’m sure many people may think the same way as the critic’s and if you’re not a fan of torchwood or doctor who then you may not have liked this series. But for fans of the universe and there’s enough of us I couldn’t see too much to complain about.

One thing I do not like is that the series was aired in America before it was shown in the UK. I could sort of except the increased use of American locations in Torchwood and doctor who as we got some great episodes from it and they are all ways mixing up the locations. But to let them see the series before us is not cool not cool at all BBC. They are two of a very small hand full of amazing English shows which we should always get first; we usually wait at least 2 weeks to get the latest American shows sometimes longer so this has annoyed me quite a bit as a Torchwood fan.

Now that we have got that unsavoury business out the way shall we talk about the episode? It started with a great little speech from Gwen about her dad and how he was a great man and that today she was going to kill him. It was heartfelt and really got you in the mood for what was to come in the episode, Davis used a similar device in rose’s last episode on doctor who (yeah I know an easy comparison) and it really works. The episode then starts with the Torchwood team split up on either side of the world in Buenos Aires and Shanghai plotting out the route to the blessing using jack blood. Rex and Esther are get in contact with CIA who send them Argentinean special forces to back them up, unfortunately a member of the family has infiltrated the group and blows up what’s left of jack’s blood and kills a van full of soldiers. However now everyone thinks that Rex and Esther are dead so they head to the site of the blessing without anyone expecting them anymore. Jack and Oswald Danes then have an intense conversation about the who jack really is and the future of the human race which ends with jack telling Oswald he has made his life small.

Gwen has gone to find the site of the blessing in Shanghai before cooling jack in. When she gets there she bribes an old Asian lady to let her go through an eyrie door; when she goes through it she establishes it’s the site of the blessing gets freaked out and goes back behind the door to wait for jack. While she’s waiting she talks to her husband who reassure’s her that it’s her dads time to go and that she needs to stop the blessing, I always find myself more emotionally involved with Gwen’s families story than any other for some reason I think it’s because they come across so fantastically normal.

Now the two teams start their assault on the two sites of the blessing with some fast passed stealth scenes which reminded me of MGS except for Oswald winging about their brutality. Jack then gets Oswald to strap explosives to himself and go down to the blessing and confront the families. There is a brief standoff with and Jack thinks that they have the upper hand before they hear Rex and Esther have been caught on the over side of the blessing. Pullman is fantastic in the standoff by the way as he has been all series very creepy. With both sides trying to get the upper hand in this Mexican stand of we learn about what the blessing is and how jacks blood introduced from both sides set the morphic field to immortality, The family thinks that they have the upper hand because jack is the only one with his blood and he can only be on one side of the world at a time. Then Rex reveals he has jacks blood in him because Rex is a boss. Jack and Rex both agree to die to put everything back together well Gwen steps up to shoot Jack but then the swine’s shoot Esther. Rex then has to choose if he stops the miracle then Esther dies. Gwen steps up again and tells everyone to carry on because nobody should have the power to decide who lives and who dies, Oswald asks her if she’s willing to let her whole team die to fix the world and she says yes. Oswald then creepily calls her “magnificent” which I have to agree with. Then she shoots Jack and Rex lets the blood flow out of his wound and “death is brought back to the world”. We think Jack and Rex are dead as the buildings start to collapse but they get up Rex Kills the guy who shot Esther. Gwen then beats the crap out Jilly so to stop the elevator and help jack escape before Oswald blows the place up. Rex and Esther are saved by the argentine military.

We go to a funeral which you think is Esther and Rex’s as it slowly pans across the team but Rex has survived. This bits super deep because Esther was a great character and it’s sad she’s gone but you’re super happy to see Rex. Then you see Jilly meet with a member of the family who invites her to be involved with the families plan B which teases’s you for the next series. After the funeral jack and Rex say they might stay around for Torchwood but then Rex Finds out who the informer in the CIA is charlotte (bitch) he chases after her and she shoots him. You think he’s dead which sucks but to be honest I’m sure most of us figured out after he showed that he had Jacks blood Rex are immortal now. Awesome right I think so!! I really enjoyed this episode/series and with Rex now immortal I can’t wait for the next series: D

Haters will allway's hate on Torchwood

Haters Gone Hate Torchwood

About craigwemahoney

Writing about great TV, films and anything I feel of value. Advertising marketing communications graduate from the university of Greenwich, member of the IDM all round technology and media enthusiast. lover of science fiction , rugby and cricket.
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